
22094次浏览 关注

2019-05-06 16:30 - 2019-05-06 20:00

上海市浦东新区上海张衡路1077号 [查看地图]



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On Monday, May 6th from 4:30 to 8:00 pm, Shanghai Healthcare Drinks, ATLATL Center, ChinaBio and Zhangjiang Pharma Valley will hold a warm-up party for the ChinaBio Partnering Forum with a discussion panel entitled “Making Shanghai the World’s Biotech Hub”. This event is hosted by ATLATL Center at their campus in Zhangjiang. 

We welcome all those attending the ChinaBio Partnering forum the next day and if you still have not signed up, please go here and use the code “CHD20” to receive your 20% Healthcare Drinks discount.

Agenda 日程安排
16:30-17:00  Registration 签到
17:00-17:15  Welcome Remarks - Jonathan Hakim, Founder of Healthcare Drinks
                     ATLATL Intro by Dr. PC Zhu - CEO and Founder. ATLATL Center
17:15-17:30  CRO talk by Connie Ding - Head of Legal, Wuxi Biologics
17:30-17:45  IP talk by Ningling Wang - Managing Partner, 
Shanghai Representative Office of Finnegan
17:45-18:00  Investment Talk by Frank Li, former Managing Partner, China Venture Capital
18:00-19:00  "Making Shanghai the World's Biotech Hub" Discussion Panel 
                     “让上海成为世界生物科技中心” 小组研讨
                      (Moderated by Dr. Frank Li  由李文罡博士主持)   
                      ● Dr. Jinsong Wang - Founder, Chairman and CEO, Harbour BioMed 
                         王劲松博士 - 和铂医药创始人、董事长以及首席执行官
                      ● Dr. Darren Ji - CEO, ElpiScience 
                         纪晓辉博士 - 科望医药首席执行官
                      ● Dr. Weiyi Zhang - Head of External Innovation China, BI
                         张巍怡博士 - 勃林格殷格翰中国区外部创新总监 
                      ● Dr. Michael Chen - Head of External Innovation China, Merck
                         陈晨博士 - 默克中国区外部创新总监
                      ● Donald Gao - Former Founding Partner, Marachon Venture Partners
                         高毅 - 前远毅资本创始合伙人                                   
19:00-20:00   Party and Lab Tour

The speakers and panelists will give their opinions on where the greater Shanghai region sits in the world today on its quest to being the leading biotech hub and what should be done to take it to the next level of being the world's life science innovation launchpad. 